My Journey As A Runner

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Crim 10 Mile 2016 Race Review

The Crim 10 mile race has always been special to me. This year was my 7th time running it (my first time was in 1993.) This year was the first year since high school where I've consistently trained for long distance races. Since January, I've been following the Hansons Half Marathon Method training plan. Training was going really well days leading up to the race. I had a good feeling if I kept a level head, I would have a great race.


On race day, I made sure to get to Flint early to find a parking spot and not be rushed. I didn't want to ruin the good feeling about the race. Because of the time I got there, parking was a breeze. I got my race packet on Friday from a co-worker, so I was now just relaxing and waiting for time to tick by.

Around 7am, I started my warm-up. The distance was based off of the warm-up on the Hansons plan of at least 1.5 mile warm-up. I made sure to keep the pace EASY! If there's one thing I learned this year is when it's supposed to be easy, you make it EASY.


I made my way to the start line and found the correct spot in the corral. Before the start of the race they had somebody sing the national anthem. I was glad everybody around me was quiet and turned towards the flag the whole time. It's nice to see people show respect to the flag and country like that.

When the race started, it took me about a minute to cross the Start line because of the corral I was in. I made sure not to get caught up in the group of runners who were starting fast. I kept reminding myself to 'run my race, run my pace.'

Things were going really well the first 4 miles. Up until this point the course was relatively flat. I kept having to slow my pace down and not get caught up with runners who passed me. I knew if I hit my goal pace each mile, I would have a really good finish time.

Once mile 5 hit, that's when the Bradley Hills started. I didn't let the 'legend' of the hills get to me mentally. I did end up slowing down some, but I kept going. I didn't allow myself to walk. I knew the race was half over already and the hills would be over in a few miles.

When mile 9 hit, I was still running and knew if I picked up the pace I would be able to break 1:30 (my goal time). I reached down deep and pushed myself faster towards 'The Bricks', the final straight away to the finish. The Bricks are always lined with people cheering on the runners. It's such a big boost to help carry you through the finish line. I took advantage of this boost and sprinted to the finish line - crossing it in 1:28. I beat my goal time by 2 whole minutes!!

Post Race

As I made my way through the finish chute, I made sure to grab some chocolate milk, a Popsicle, and of course the finisher's medal.
2016 Crim 10 mile finisher's medal

After I was done with the food and drink, I started on my 1.5 mile cool-down run. I didn't want to wait too long and have my muscles tighten up on me. As I was running my cool-down, I saw the Hansons Run Shop tent. I figured that's where the Hansons Brooks team would be.

When I finished my cool-down, I had a really good stretching session and made my way over to the tent. This is where I found Dani Miller and Tony Filipek. We had good conversation about how the race went for each of us and how our training has been going.

Dani Miller, myself, & Tony Filipek

Overall Comments

I always enjoy running The Crim. This was my 7th time running it (first time was in 1993!) I was very familiar with the course and didn't let the legend of 'Bradley Hills' psych me out. I knew when the hills were coming and when to push it towards the finish line.

Would I run this race again - Definitely!
Would I recommend this race to others - Yes!