My Journey As A Runner

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Love The Off-Season!

There are some people who train hard and race year round. I'm not one of those people. I've learned over time that having a break from racing is a good thing.

I usually take at least two weeks off from running after the last race of the season. This helps give my body some time to heal from any injuries and recharges me mentally. It doesn't take long for the fire inside me to get hot again and wanting to get some miles in again.

When I do start running again, I have a different focus than during the race season. I put more emphasis on core work, focusing on my form and breathing while running, and I hit the weights more to help strengthen muscles to help prepare them for racing. Each run is usually 5 miles or less to help give me more time to focus on these other areas.

This all changes after the start of the new year. My focus is on the first race of the season and start following a training plan to help get me ready.

Do you have an off season? Or do you run races year round?