My Journey As A Runner

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Aftershokz Trekz Titanium Wireless Review

Aftershokz Trekz Titanium Wireless Review

Problem: I wanted wireless headphones that:
  • Didn't have any parts that could fall out or off the headphones
  • Didn't fall out of my ear during my workout
  • Had good sound
  • Easy to operate while working out
Review: I was a bit skeptical about how well the Aftershokz Trekz Titanium wireless headphones would work. I already had a lot of questions.
  • Would it be easy to pair with my cell phone?
    • It was really easy to pair with my cell phone. I had it paired within a few minutes of getting them out of the box.
  • How long does a full charge last?
    • I didn't keep track of how long a full charge would last. I know I made it though 4 workouts without it losing power. (my workouts are generally 1-2 hours long). Aftershokz claims the battery will last 6 hours.
  • Does it take a long time to charge?
    • I found it doesn't take long at all to give them a full charge. After using them for 4 workouts, I plugged them in to charge. They were fully charged again within an hour. 
  • How difficult is it to power on and power off?
    • The power button is easy to find on the right side of the headphones. I was able to power on and power off while I was walking.
  • Is it difficult to change the volume level up or down during a workout?
    • It was really easy to change the volume level during my workouts. The volume buttons are on the right and are really easy to find without looking for them.
  • How difficult is it to change songs?
    • This one was a bit tricky. I knew there was a larger Multifunction button on the left that was easy to find that had a lot of different functions. The manual says that single button can control play/pause and skip to next song. I kept getting into the phone options when I was pressing the button.
  • With the speaker on the outside of your ear, how clear would the sound be?
    • The sound was actually really good. I found it can vary depending on where exactly you have the headphones positioned. If you have them positioned right on your cheekbones, you get a better overall sound experience.
  • Would I still be able to hear everything around me while a song is playing?
    • I didn't have the headphones playing at a really high volume and I was able to hear the song playing really well, while still being able to hear everything around me.
  • Would the headphones stay put during the entire workout? What about when I was sweating?
    • I was surprised at how well the headphones stayed put. They never slid down my head while I was running. Even more surprising, they stayed put while I was stretching. I thought they would slide off while I was in downward dog yoga pose.
  • Would I be able to wear a hat at the same time and be comfortable?
    • I was able to wear a hat and not have it interfere with where the headphones were. It didn't matter if I had my hat on forward or backward. The headphones didn't move from the original position before I put my hat on.
Verdict: I really love the Aftershokz Trekz Titanium Wireless headphones! They give me the wireless connection to my phone I was looking for. I haven't had any problems of losing connection with my phone during my workout. I really like how they rest on my cheekbone and don't have to have anything covering or inserted within my ear. I can hear songs clearly during my run and still be able to hear everything around me. I highly recommend getting a pair!

*NOTE: I did not try the phone features. I only wear them when I am working out and I don't take any calls during my workout.