Thursday, July 7, 2016

Quick Thought - Coming Back From An Injury

Injuries happen. Injuries take time and a lot of effort to recover from. That's well known in the running world. What doesn't get talked about much is how to transition back into running. You might be physically healed, but what about mentally?

If you haven't been able to run for an extended period of time because of an injury, it might be difficult to start running again. You might be focusing on your injury that has been healed during your run and letting it hold you back. Your runs might be shorter or slower than what you expected. Your form might be a bit off. This is ok!

Coming back from an injury does take time. When you do start running again, focus on your running form. Try not to limp or favor the leg or area that was injured. Try to make it as natural as it was before you got injured. This may take a few runs to get used to. Keep in mind you did the hard work to recover from your injury, and that the injury has healed.

For me, when I just start coming back from an injury, I start running on a treadmill. It's easier for me mentally to know the pace is going to be controlled and there won't be as much impact as running outside. I give myself at least two weeks of easy runs on the treadmill before I venture back outside and start back up with my regular training.

Hopefully you're able to stay injury free. But, if you do get injured remember to slowly start back up again and to mentally focus on keeping your form as natural as it was before the injury. This should help you get back to your regular training.

Best of luck!

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