Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Running Stickers On Cars

Putting stickers or magnets on cars isn't a new trend. This has been done for many years. Some people go to the extreme where you aren't able to see much of their car. The stickers usually fall into the music, political, business, or humor categories. It hasn't been until the past few years when people started putting running stuff on their cars.

There are people that say running stickers are obnoxious and a bit elitist. Some runners are included in saying that too.

Bah phooey to them! There's nothing wrong with putting a sticker on your car. Putting the 26.2 or 13.1 sticker on you car can be a sense of pride. It can help remind you of what you were able to accomplish. It can also help you find your car in a crowded parking lot!

If you do or don't decide to put running stickers on your car, make sure it's your decision and not influenced by anybody else (for it or against it). Keep in mind, it's your car and you are the one who is running.

My personal viewpoint - I am one of those who puts running stickers on my truck. I have a 26.2, 13.1, Pre Lives, Hansons Brooks Running Project and a Run D stickers on the back window of my truck. While it seems like a bit much, the 26.2 and 13.1 in particular are badges of honor for me. It wasn't easy to finish my first 13.1 and my first 26.2. Seeing those on my truck remind me of what I was able to accomplish and helps remind me 'I am a runner'.

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