Monday, April 3, 2017

W14D1: Flying High Again!

**Been awhile since I've posted. It's been a crazy time of year!**

I actually ran outside this morning before work! The headlamp I got after the Bill Roney 5K (race review is coming!) really helps. It gives me confidence knowing I can see where I'm running and don't have to worry about hitting anything during my run.

This morning's workout was 6 miles. I tried to keep the pace easy. It definitely felt easy. It ended up being a bit faster than expected. I'll take it. I base the effort on how I'm feeling, not always by time. It felt really good to get outside this morning. The weather was about 50F and no wind. I know I still had some gas left in the tank and could have done more. It's good knowing I can get 6 in and be done around the same time I would be done if I was inside running on the treadmill.

After the run, I made my way into the gym. The workout wasn't over yet. No sir! I still had to get in my stretching. There's no way I'm skimping out on what got me to where I am now. I stretched for 5-10 minutes. It felt really good too!

When I was done stretching I hit the weights for a quick circuit, targeting my arms. I figure my legs are a bit heavy, so they got some rest. The arms gobbled up what I gave them. I didn't want to do too much. Just wanted to do enough to get them a little fatigued.

Overall, I'm feeling really, really good about where I am at with my training. I'm hoping to keep the improvements up and stay away from injuries.

Progress is being made - one workout at a time.

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