Monday, March 13, 2017

W11D1: Survived The Weekend!

I survived the weekend! Really surprised myself with the number of miles I ran. I ran 10 miles on Saturday with the Mid-Michigan Runners group. It was my first time running with them. Sunday, I ran 7 miles with the Run Mason group. There were a few runners I haven't ran with before that were there. Both runs were a lot of fun, and hope to meet up with those runners again for a run.

Based on how things went this past weekend, I kept the pace slow this morning. I did bump up the Monday miles to 5 though. I need to start changing things up and increasing the daily mileage. It's the only way I'm really going to meet/exceed the goals I have for myself this year.

I started out with 6.0 mph on the treadmill. Things were going well. The body wasn't complaining too much from the previous few days of work. I didn't want to push things too much. Today was more about recovery and getting miles in. The only time I did push was the last mile. I increased the pace to 7.0 mph. This is something I still want to work on for every run - being able to finish strong, regardless of how many miles I'm running. This is to help me both physically and mentally.

After the run, I didn't do too much extra credit work. I did my 10 minutes of stretching to help keep things loose and be proactive with preventing injuries. There were only a few different weights I did before calling it a day. One of those was doing a couple sets of squats with a barbell. I did 2x12. I know this is something I need to keep doing too. The stronger my quads are, the better I can tackle hills this race season.

Progress is being made - one workout at a time.

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