Tuesday, February 14, 2017

W7D2: Oh Yeaaahhh!! It's Speedy Tuesday!!

I was really looking forward to the run this morning. I wanted to get a couple timed miles under my belt to help gauge where I am with my training. I could guess where I am based on past workouts, but there's something magical about knowing the mile time. Many workouts are based on knowing that magical number.

I started out with a 1.5 mile warmup at 5.7 mph. I needed to get warmed up if I was to do things the right way. I took things on the easy side for the pace. I didn't want to push things. By the end of the warmup, I had a good sweat going. It was time to 'do work!'. I set the treadmill at 8.0 mph and was off and 'running'. The pace felt good. I was in control the entire time and didn't feel like I was pushing too much. After the first mile, I slowed things down to a 3.3 mph walk for 0.25, then picked up the pace to 5.7 mph for the last 0.75 mile. I wanted to have close to a full recovery before starting the last mile interval. For the last interval, I set the treadmill at 8.2 mph. Based on how I was feeling from the first interval, I knew I could push things just a bit more. The body was feeling good the entire interval. I wasn't out of breath and I was able to keep good form. I finished up with 0.25 at 3.3 mph, picked it up to 5.7 mph for the last 0.75 mile. Before calling it a day, I got in a 1.5 mile cool down at 6.0 mph.

I made sure to get a good stretch in after the run. My body did well and I wanted to reward it by taking care of it. I didn't get any strength training in though. The intervals took longer than I had thought and didn't have enough time. That's ok though. I still feel good about what I was able to get done this morning at the gym.

Progress is being made - one workout at a time.

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